LAG 2019 (Letnia Akademia Gier)
As participants of LAG Game Jam 2019 that was held in Cieszyn we were working together with colleagues from Czech and Polish universities on games with randomly generated names.
Members of TEDI Games had participated at large in several teams, all of the teams consisted of mixed Polish, Czech and Slovak participants.
Teams with members of TEDI Games took two podium prizes.
Here are the games and members that participaded:
GAME: Underground Viking Round-up
*** 2D assets ***
Nikolas Staník
*** Code ***
Tomáš Fusko
Samuel Michelko
GAME: Doom Barber: Wild west beautifician of doom
*** 2D assets ***
Tomáš Zlatovský
Martin Kusý
*** Code ***
Peter Pagáč
Frederik Boldiš
GAME: Darkest Theme Park Inspector
*** 3D assets ***
Bence Berta
Jozef Hojo
Matúš Dolník
*** 2D/Level design ***
Martina Kobetičová
*** Code and game design ***
Dalibor Bartoš
GAME: Quest of the Mysterious Orb
*** 3D assets ***
Matej Vrzgula
GAME: Stylish Sword: Turbo
*** Game design ***
Juraj Konečný